Friday, April 4, 2008

Kenny Talks about the "Summer Time"

... And brings "horns on tour with him". "We had them on the stadium shows last year, and it was so great, we had to bring the horn section out for the entire tour." And with that pronouncement, Kenny Chesney added a horn section to the band for his wildly anticipated Poets & Pirates 2008 Tour.

Led by Sax player Jim Horn, known for his work on U2's "Angel of Harlem," the Rolling Stones' Goats Head Soup and Jackson Browne's "Running on Empty," as well as being part of the legendary Mad Dogs & Englishmen Tour and the Concert for Bangladesh, the four piece section also includes Steve Herrman, Chris Dunn and Scott Ducaj.

"These guys are the very best of the best," says Chesney. "They've worked with everyone you can imagine in pop music, so they think about these songs in ways that give them more dimension. Songs everybody knows get a new shine, some more juice and it just really takes things up a notch when they're onstage.