Monday, April 14, 2008

Taylor's Getting Schooled

Taylor Swift hasn't yet graduated from high school, so you can imagine she's doing all the studying she can.

But history and math are not at the top of her list these days, unless you're talking about the history of country music or doing the math on the number of times her music's been streamed on MySpace. The biggest part of her education of late has come from paying attention to the acts she's opened for on tour.

"You can learn so much from watching how these guys approach their work on the road," she told USA Weekend. "Kenny [Chesney] is up at the crack of dawn, walking around the venue, getting to know everyone from the sound check guys to the people who sell the souvenirs to the fans. Then Rascal Flatts stages this big production with all the flash. And George Strait? It's all about the music with him. He pays so much attention to building up the song, with the arrangements and the band and his singing. I'm so lucky to have these experiences. I can take something from each of the people I've toured with for my own act."

Concerts are not her only concern. Taylor's also started recording her sophomore album, which is expected later this year.