Thursday, June 19, 2008

Eric Church Goes To Business School...

.... Well, his MUSIC is going to business school, not him.

Eric Church has a new album coming this fall, and it appears that he’s decided to take the Donald Trump road to success: Like the Trump show "The Celebrity Apprentice," Eric’s turning his project over to students in a Vanderbilt University summer business management program to get the students some experience and to get Eric some fresh viewpoints.

The album, titled Carolina, is just one of the projects being thrown up to students through Vandy’s Owen Graduate School of Business. They’ll also tackle initiatives for American Airlines, Bridgestone and Caterpillar Financial.

"The consulting project for Eric Church is a big wow-factor for our students," said Vanderbilt professor Kimberly Pace. "They are used to solving business problems for big companies, but this is more personal. Using the business tools they have been taught will help them create a solid marketing campaign. The secret ‘x’ factor is getting to know the artist."

To that end, the students were given a crash course in Eric’s life and music Monday in a concert/interview staged at the Country Music Hall of Fame’s Ford Theatre, where country music historian Robert K. Oermann helped connect the dots. In addition, 150 members of Eric’s fan club, the Church Choir, were on hand to underscore the rapport he’s established with his most passionate consumers.

"I've always said that if you want to know who I am, listen to my music," Eric observed. "In order to understand my career, you have to meet my fans. They are my career; they're the reason I'm here. Having members of the fan club at this Accelerator presentation wasn't an option — it was essential. I'm glad that the students got a close-up view of what I get to see every time I take the stage, because it's truly a powerful thing."