Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kellie Wigs Out!

Beauty school dropout Kellie Pickler, who is currently touring with Brad Paisley, likes to play around with her appearance, sometimes even donning disguises that have fooled a few people.

"I have this dark wig that I put on, auburn-colored," she told Entertainment Weekly recently, "I've always wanted red hair. Reba McEntire — I love her hair. At shows, after I sing, I put my wig on and I change clothes, and I go out and I'm actually in the audience on the front row singing with the fans, as a fan, and I watch Brad's show. It took three shows for Brad to realize that it was me down there. Because he was like, 'God, this girl keeps coming to all the shows and she's wearing the same thing.' "

Kellie says she gets a big kick out of watching people's reactions to her antics. "I was at the concession stand, buying a hot dog, and I had my wig on, and the guy behind the counter was like, 'Has anyone ever told you you look like Kellie Pickler?' And I went, 'Who? Never heard of her.' He got [indignant], like, 'Well, she just played!'"

Thanks: GAC