Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Carrie needs a DATE!

Carrie Underwood says she's still looking for that special someone in her life.... no, that doesn't mean she's taking applications or volunteers.

Regarding the rumors that actor Jeremy Piven has been pursuing her, Carrie laughs and says, "He's not. I met him for the first time at Fashion Rocks. He seems really sweet, but I don't think he's interested in me."

Carrie tells Dial-Global that the dating game is a hard one for someone in her position to play. "You know, guys I might be interested in could be terrified of me. They don't know what to expect. I just don't play games. Talk to me like I'm a human being. But then you meet other people that it's kinda like, 'Why is he hangin' out with me?' I don't really know what his motives are. Does he have an album coming out that he wants some controversy with? I don't know. It's a completely new ball game. I haven't figured it out yet."

Carrie adds that she's pretty good at spotting a sleazy opening line and has no problem telling a guy to buzz off if he's being too evasive.