Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rodney and Adoption

Rodney Atkins was adopted as a child, and the experience helped steer him from what could have been a disastrous start on life into a very rewarding one. As a result, he's wholeheartedly endorsing a new website,, set up for the National Council For Adoption's new campaign: "Sometimes choosing adoption is being a good mother."

"Adoption allows a birthmother to make a plan for her child's future and provide a loving family for her baby," says Rodney, who's a spokesperson for the NCFA. "I wouldn't be where I am today if my birthmother hadn't made the decision she felt was best for both of us. I'm so grateful to her — and to all the birthparents who choose adoption."

The iChooseAdoption campaign is part of the NCFA's attempt to increase adoption awareness and boost the number of adoptions. Currently, only 16 babies are adopted for every 1,000 single-mother births. The NCFA intends to promote a celebratory image of adoption, which gets a ringing endorsement from Rodney.