Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trace -- Close to "Hired!"

There are only three episodes left for Donald Trump's NBC series "The Celebrity Apprentice," and Trace Adkins is one of the five remaining contestants. He didn't expect to be in this position when the show started shooting last fall, but he soon discovered he was serious about the competition.

"I figured I'd go up there, hang out a couple of weeks and bring some awareness to my charity," Trace says. "But we got halfway through, and I thought, 'You know what? I've come up here, I've got all my clothes up here, so let's go ahead and try to win this thing!'"

This week's episode is a meaty one: Both teams go to work for Quizno’s with an assignment to develop a new sandwich and drum up the biggest sales for their product. The food-related episode has a bit of irony for Trace: His charity for the show is the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, which brings awareness to the three million school-age children who suffer from some version of food allergies.

The final installment of "The Celebrity Apprentice" will air March 27.