Monday, March 3, 2008

Sara Makes Strep Look Good

Sara Evans' cover photo for her "Greatest Hits" CD finds the singer, once named one of the "50 Most Beautiful In The World" by "People" magazine, looking extremely attractive.

That's particularly impressive, because as it turns out, that photo — and all the others in the CD sleeve — were taken on a day when she was suffering from strep throat.

"I was dying," Sara told Dial-Global.

It seems she had taken some vacation time at the beach with her children and their nanny. She didn't feel well, and after the nanny drove everyone home to Tennessee, Sara went into recuperation mode.

"It was probably 95 degrees outside, and I went into my bedroom and put on sweats and a sweatshirt and socks and gloves, and I got into my bed," she recalled.

A neighbor drove Sara to the emergency room, where the doctors told her she'd contracted strep throat. She didn't have to sing, fortunately, but she still had an appointment for the album cover shoot the next day.

"I got a steroid shot and an antibiotic shot," she said, "and the next morning went in and did that photo shoot."

That fact that will likely cause some pangs of jealousy: How can someone be that sick and look that good?