Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blake and Miranda Take the Leap

... Not that one! GAC REPORTS: Neither Blake Shelton nor Miranda Lambert has headlined a mid-sized arena tour before, but the couple is hoping their collective track record will be enough to make a road show of that magnitude succeed this fall.

No dates have been announced yet, but the plan thus far would yield two-and-a-half hours of music. They took a test run with the concept a month ago, playing their first show together at a fair in Toledo, Ohio.

"It's exciting, and it's really scary for me at the same time — not so much for her," Blake says. "She's really somebody that came out of the box and just has been kickin' ass since day one, you know? And my career's been a slower build than that. But I'm finally gonna take the step, and she's gonna do it with me. We're gonna go out, and we're gonna play arenas this fall. And that is just creepin' me out — 4,000- and 5,000-seat arenas, and I'm not openin' for Rascal Flatts anymore or Toby [Keith]. You gotta hope that I'm enough and that she's enough. We finally feel like we're there."