Monday, August 11, 2008

Jessica: "What Boos"?

When Jessica Simpson gave her first full concert performance as a country artist in July, she got slapped by a review from a writer for The Kenosha News who said her appearance received "a mixture of boos and cheers."

It became — as does just about anything Jessica does — part of a huge viral uproar in which numerous media picked up the story in a way that often made it appear the show was a dud. If the response was negative in any sector of the crowd that day, it was not apparent to Jessica.

"I never heard a boo," she told The San Jose Mercury News, "and if there were people that booed me, then they just won't be buying the record, and that is what it is. But I was happy to be up there and make people smile with the music."

Maybe it remains to be true that the only place Jessica Simpson would be boo'ed... is a spelling bee :-)