Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sugarland's Mutual Admiration Society

Sound like a lovely little situation, huh?

Part of experiencing Sugarland's music is watching the pair interact onstage. We perform songs we believe in, the duo's Kristian Bush tells It can be very compelling.

Kristian is full of admiration for his partner, Jennifer Nettles. She does all the heavy lifting, the singing, he says. It's a beautiful thing to hear the words and melodies come to life with someone who is so talented.

Both Kristian and Jennifer spent time in other bands before getting together, and Kristian says those experiences helped shape the pair's friendship and business partnership. We learned how not to act as well as how to react, he says. We're also older now and have each achieved a certain amount of success. There's a lot of respect involved. We've learned to communicate.

In other news, Sugarland has added five holiday tracks to their latest CD, Enjoy the Ride, and plans to re-release it on November 6. This new edition of the album will be sold exclusively at Wal-Mart stores. A second disc will contain the Christmas favorites Nuttin' For Christmas, Holly Jolly Christmas, O Come, O Come Emmanuel and Winter Wonderland, as well as the original track Little Wood Guitar, written by Kristian and Ellis Paul. Kristian and Jennifer Nettles produced all five of the holiday tracks.